Iran Nomad Expedition

Join us for this unique expedition, where we will trek with the nomads of Iran in the Zagros mountains during their yearly migration!

Dates: April 15 - 23rd

Price: £1,550


Day 1: Tehran

● Golestan Palace
● Grand Bazaar
● National Museum of Iran
● Walking in Si-e Tir Street
Tehran is steeped in various cultures with its ancient monuments dating back to hundreds of years ago. Highlights of the city include Golestan Palace, the old Bazaar of Tehran & the museums. The old downtown alleys are also perfect to explore.
First, we will go to a spectacular gem in the heart of Tehran, Golestan Palace. One of the top experiences in Tehran is a visit to the historical Grand Bazaar where you will find yourself among traditional architecture & local people. We will have a very famous dish in IRANomad House; a 130-year-old Persian house and then we will talk about our upcoming Kooch. In the evening, we will go to Si-e Tir Street where a synagogue, a mosque, 2 Christian churches, and a Zoroastrian fire temple are all gathered together.

Day 2: Ahvaz / Shushtar

● Karoon River
● Shush
● Haft Tappeh
● Tchogha-Zanbil
● Mostofi House
● Shushtar’s Historical Watermills
We will go to Ahvaz on an early morning flight to get closer to the area where we are going to start our Nomads’ Odyssey, Kooch. We will pay a short visit to the Karoon River, Shush, and Tchogha-Zanbil (a ziggurat of the Elamite era). In the afternoon, we’ll shortly visit Shushtar’s historical watermills. Lunch will be served in the traditional Mostofi Museum and Restaurant and the night’s stay will be in Shushtar.

Day 3: Reaching the Nomads in the Zagros Mountains

● Mighty Zagros Ranges
● Bakhtiari Nomads
● Scenic Nomadic pathways
Today, after a few hours of driving, we are going to start our nomadic adventure (Nomads’ Odyssey, Kooch) in the Zagros mountains. We will also go shopping for the days we’re in the mountains. This is our last chance to buy the things we need before starting our Kooch (Nomads’ Odyssey). When we reach the mountains, we will get our backpacks, leave the other stuff in the car, and head to the mountains. After some hours of hiking, we will reach the pasture where the nomads are waiting for us. Depending on the nomad family and their kooch route, we will have around 1-5 hours of hiking.

Day 4/5/6: With the Nomads

● Nomads’ Odyssey (Kooch)
● Living with People of the Mountain
● Scenic Zagros Mountains
● Experiencing the Nomads’ Epic Migration
The morning introduces the spectacular view of the flock wandering in the green pastures. It’s the day of kooch: An important day for the Nomads. For some days, we’ll accompany them in their epic migration in the Zagros mountain ranges. During these Kooch days, we’ll have around 40-80 km of hiking depending on the nomad family we join & the difficulty level of their migration. If our Kooch is in Late March or early April, we will pass one or two snowy peaks. Moving behind the flock in the Zagros mountains, we’ll be immersed in the scenic beauty of the area – an unforgettable view. We’ll be all surrounded by imposing mountains and oak trees with the sound of the sheep’s bell ringing in your ears. In the afternoon, when the Nomads stop the move, we’ll have plenty of quiet time to enjoy the spectacular surroundings. At nights, we’ll rest under the cool, starry sky or in our tents.
* Flexibility is key in kooch. Migration‘s starting date and its length are both tentative due to weather conditions, kooch & family issues, or similar matters. The day-by-day itinerary is subject to minor alterations as well, which inevitably affects the city tour plan.

Day 7: Nomadic Villages

● Settled Nomads
● Nomadic Villages (Khoye & Sar Agha Seyed)
● Nomadic Handicrafts
Today, our Nomads’ Odyssey (Kooch) is finished. We’ll say goodbye to the Nomads to continue our expedition to an amazing green village: Khoye. After some days of migration with the nomads, a comfortable cozy village house would be the perfect lodge. We’ll explore vast fruit orchards and wonderful old houses and see the nomadic handicrafts. Then, we’ll visit the historic stepped village of Sar Agha Seyed with amazing architecture where the yard of one house is the roof of the other. For more than thousands of years, Nomads have crossed through this village on the way to their summer or winter pastures. We’ll hike for about 30 minutes and visit the salt mines near the village. For the night, we will be in a nomadic village with a local family.
* Depending on the Kooch route, we will see different nomadic villages

Day 8: Isfahan

Today, after around 7 hours we will reach Isfahan. Of course, it depends on the Kooch route you’ve taken. Then, in Isfahan, we are going to have a Persian bath. Experiencing Persian Hammam (bath) and Persian massage after days of hiking will put the most refreshing end to our journey.

Day 9: Isfahan

● Naghshe Jahan Square
● Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque
● Ali Qapu Palace
● Imam Mosque
● Chehel Sotoun Palace
● Vank Cathedral & Armenian community
● Khaju & Si-o-se-pol Bridge
Today, we visit some must-see, UNESCO-registered sites & places in Isfahan. Here we have the chance to see unique Persian architecture. There is a Persian proverb saying ‘Isfahan is half of the world’, referring to its so many palaces, mosques, gardens, bridges, etc. We will visit some famous places in Isfahan like Naghshe Jahan Square which holds Ali Qapu Palace, Imam Mosque, Sheikh Lotfollah Mosque, and the Imperial Bazaar. In the evening, we’ll go Khaju Bridge and Si-o-se-pol Traditional Bridge crossing Zayandehrud river. For dinner, the amazing Isfahani cuisine Beryan & Khoresht-e Mast awaits us.

Day 10: Kashan / end of tour

● Tabatabaei Historical House
● Agha Bozorg Mosque
● Bazaar of Kashan
There are some historic houses in Kashan. We will see Tabatabaei Historical House and its unique architecture. And then Agha Bozorg Mosque, a symmetric architectural masterpiece built in the 18th century. We also go to the Bazaar of Kashan called Timche to learn more about the Persian carpet. We have a local dish for our lunch in Mozafari House. Then, we will leave Kashan for the airport. Our trip ends in IKA.


  • 10 Breakfasts, 10 Lunches, 9 Dinners

  • Travel insurance

  • 9 Nights Accommodations

    • 4 nights hotels & boutique hotels

    • 1 night village homestay

    • 4 Nights ‌Camp

  • Camping Tents

  • Entrance Fee

  • Internal Flight to Ahvaz

  • Both International Arrival and Departure Transfers

Not Included:

  • International flights

  • Visa fees

  • Travel Insurance

In order to book your spot, I require a £500 deposit

Interested to join us or have any questions? Please email:

Jay Palfrey